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Shady Lane Outdoor 3D Results
$pring Fling Money $hoot
April 8, 2022
20 Targets

Pro Unknown            Score   12's
1. Logan Altizer        202     3       $200.00
2. Jeff Ratliff         190     1

Senior Known
1. Basil Riley          208     6       $100.00
2. Jerry Campbell       194     3

Known 45
1. Derick Thomas        210     5       $150.00
2. Nick Lester          208     6       $100.00
3. James Alexander      191     6
4. Steve Woods          127     1
5. Matt Church          Inc

Thanks all that came out. I think the weather
scared off a lot of people, but they missed out,
it turned out to be a pretty good day. Will try
again when weather gets warmer.

May God Bless,


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