Clouds Creek Archery Outdoor 3D Results
August 21, 2010
20 Targets
Open Trophy |
Bow Hunter |
Pee Wee
Open Trophy Score 12's 1. Jeff Smith 190 7 2. Lance Condra 190 4 3. Navada Smith 182 2 4. Dewayne Arnold 174 2 5. Tony Duncan 161 1 6. Stan Coward 155 7. Darrell Miller 143 2 Bow Hunter 1. J.R. Adkins 208 7 2. Tim McCraken 200 4 3. Kevin Lipe 191 3 4. Jimmy Starnes 178 2 5. Randall Vanzant 176 2 6. Noah Riggs 175 1 7. Gary Lawley 164 8. Logan Condra 145 Pee Wee 1. Luke Condra 119 We had 4, shoot practice rounds. Thanks to all for coming out in the rain and shooting with us!
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