Dickenson County 3D Results
Primetime Archery Challenge
September 8/9, 2007
40 Targets
Open Trophy A class |
Open Trophy B Class |
BHFS Limited |
BHFS A Class
BHFS B Class |
BHFS C Class |
Women's BHFS A Class |
WBHFS C Class |
Young Adult |
Traditional |
Open Trophy A class Score 1. Jacob Phelps 424 2. Terry Sowards 390 Open Trophy B Class 1. Tadd Hall 316 2. Herbie Masters 314 BHFS Limited 1. Dwane McConnell inc BHFS A Class 1. Jarvie Robinson 413 2. Waylon Hill 412 3. Bobby Mullins 388 4. James Phipps 381 5. Ron Cole 381 6. Jay Dicks 380 7. Wes Stanley 374 8. Rodney Fleming 346 BHFS B Class 1. Russell Justice 380 2. Matt Hall 375 3. Glenn Phillips 370 4. Jason Elkins 361 5. Roddy Cox 342 6. Shannon Senter 334 7. Scott Mullins 394 BHFS C Class 1. Ed Trent 336 2. Everett Moore 320 3. Chris Mullins 301 4. Anthony Cantrell 298 5. Josh Dingus 288 6. Danny Collins Inc. Women's BHFS A Class 1. Audrea Edwards 372 2. Amy Kiser 366 WBHFS B Class 1. Robin Cox 311 WBHFS C Class 1. Tiffany Cantrell 231 Young Adult 1. Micheal Dunn 313 2. Justin Harris 249 Traditional 1. Stratton Mullins 232 We had 4 Cub Shooters that were ALL WINNERS!!!! Chase Cantrell Caydence Cantrell Dalton Duty Morgan Hill We would like to thank everyone who came out to help setup the shoot and those who stayed and helped run the shoot. You guys do a great job! Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot and made it a great weekend. We also had 3 practice shooters. Also thanks to the sponsor Primetime Sports of Clintwood. We would also like to keep in our thoughts and send our Prayers out to our President and Great Friend Carl Cantrell.
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