Dickenson County Archery Club 3D Results
August 26, 2007
30 Targets
Open Trophy A CLass |
BHFS A Class |
BHFS B Class
BHFS C Class |
BHFS Women's A CLass |
Young Adult BHFS
Open Trophy A CLass Score 12's 1. Terry Sowards 263 5 BHFS A Class 1. Jarvie Robinson 310 10 2. Brian Owens 306 7 3. Bobby Mullins 304 7 4. Waylon Hill 297 8 5. Travis Fuller 293 6 6. Wes Stanley 285 7 7. Morgan Mullins 280 2 8. James Phipps 271 6 9. Donald Perry inc. BHFS B Class 1. Ron Cole 278 6 2. Shannon Senter 265 5 3. Matt Hall 261 5 4. Nathan Ramey 255 1 5. Russell Justice 253 4 6. Roddy Cox 247 3 BHFS C Class 1. Travis Hall 247 7 2. Ed Trent 237 3 3. Brian Porter 234 4 4. Dave White 234 2 5. Gary Arwood 225 1 6. Jason Elkins 212 0 7. David Jackons inc BHFS Women's A CLass 1. Amy Kiser 286 9 2. Shell Childress 259 2 3. Audrea Edwards 255 4 Young Adult BHFS 1. Brett Hall 276 3 We would like the thank everyone who came out to shoot this weekend. We had a few new faces that we hope come back to join us. Also coming up is the 2nd annual Primetime Archery Challenge on September 8th and 9th, you only have to shoot one day. There will be 40 targets on this shoot. Entry fee is $15.00 for adults and for youth it will be $5.00. Hope you all can come join us!!!
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