Foggy Mountain Outdoor 3D Results
August 21/22, 2010
30 Targets
Mens Bowhunter |
Womens Bowhunter |
Team Shoot |
Long Shot |
Tuff Man |
12 pot
Mens Bowhunter Score 1. Jeff Warf 326 1st A 2. C.J. Christley 310 2nd A 3. Mark Lineberry 308 3rd A 4. Matt Epperly 306 5. Cody Wickline 300 6. Kyle Gravely 300 7. Patrick Devine 300 8. Gerry Garettson 299 9. Tim Briley 298 10. Brandon Smith 297 11. Dereck Alexander 293 12. Matt Roman 291 13. Kevin Cornette 288 14. Justin Reeves 288 15. Jesse Walker 286 16. Dave Darden 283 17. Dereck Crouse 283 18. Adam Crotts 281 19. Bill Kirby 280 20. Larry Viers 277 21. Barry Whitaker 276 22. Steve Spencer 275 1st B 23. Buck Lanbert 273 2nd B 24. Jason Richardson 273 3rd B 25. Jeremy Moss 271 26. Brandon Alderman 269 27. Glen Allum 266 28. Nick Bailey 265 29. Chase Quesenberry 257 30. Davey Talor 256 31. Michael Easter 250 32. Randy Spencer 247 33. T. J. Banks 246 34. Patrick Hutchins 241 35. Bill Sweeney 232 36. Randy Wingate 232 37. Chris Hatley 227 38. Timmy Clonz 224 39. Tim Sturgill Inc. 40. Greg Wolford Inc. 41. David Shaw Inc. 42. Kenny Burrell Inc. Womens Bowhunter 1. Angie Darden 277 2. Courtney Huffman 240 3. Melinda Jarrells 230 4. Michelle Hale Inc. Youth 1. Mikaela Whitaker 210 10 Fun Round Shooters Team Shoot Winners Justin Reeves/ Gerry Garettson 104 Long Shot Jeff Warf 1 1/8" Tuff Man Jeff Warf 106 12 pot winner Target 29 Matt Roman $15 Thanks to everyone who came out on this beautiful weekend. Just a small shower not bad. Hope everyone enjoyed the bowhunter course and all the novelty shoots. Hope to see you at our last shoot of the year September 11,12. Thanks, Teddy and Ricky
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