Kingsport Archery Club 3D Results
May 19/20, 2007
30 Targets
Open Money |
Open Trophy |
Hunter |
Lady Hunter
Women's Unlimited |
Traditional |
Open Money Score 1. Logan Frye 283 2. Richard Owens 274 3. Clay Klingensmith 274 4. Deck Miller 272 5. Jim Sheesley 243 Open Trophy 1. Travis Carpenter 296 2. Gary Frye 282 3. Rufus Rogers 275 Hunter 1. Steven Cooper 284 2. Jeff Bailey 246 3. John Willis 243 4. Amos Ledford 241 5. Craig Livesay 235 6. Tony Earley 206 7. Bryan Edmons 189 Lady Hunter 1. Hope Rogers 240 Women's Unlimited 1. Sara Cooper 168 Traditional 1. Jim Feilds 246 2. Phillip Condra 244 Youth 1. Landon Fye 271 We are very sorry abot the delay we have been experencing some computer and internet problems but we have sorted them out so there should not be a delay any more and we hope to see you all out and about at our next shoot. KAC
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