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Kids in the Mountain Outdoor 3D Results
Conservation Challenge
September 23/24, 2023
30 Targets
29 Shooters

Junior Bowhunter       Score
1. Cardder Powers       198
2. Cru Winebarger       162
3. Holland Powers       150
4. Tucker Bevins        121

Youth Bowhunter
1. Jedd Winebarger      294
2. Anson Powers         200
3. Benjamin Stanley     197

Women’s Bowhunter
1. Crystal Winebarger   244
2. Christy Johnson      207

Men’s Bowhunter
1. Hubert Winebarger    225
2. Jeremiah Johnson     175
3. Warren Stanley       162

Women’s Traditional
1. Gay Nell Johnson      87

Men’s Traditional
1. Gobel Johnson        162
2. Keith Bevins         159
3. Jim Cooper           144
4. Ken Barger           126
5. Calvin Parks         102

Men’s Known
1. Landon Johnson       295

Kids Fun Shoot
1. Elin Rasnick
2. Millie Rasnick
3. Aria Rasnick

Practice (7)

Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot this year.

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