Little Mountain Archery 3D Results
July 8, 2007
20 Targets
Men Freestyle |
Men Pins & Release |
Traditional |
Women Pins & Release
Intermediate Freestyle |
Intermediate Pins & Release |
Cub Pins & Release |
Cub Traditional
PeeWee |
More Info!
Men Freestyle Score 1. Tony Stockner 204 1st 2. Roger Garr 204 2nd 3. Craig Easter 194 3rd 4. Jeff Warf 194 5. Scott Poff 192 6. Frankie Farley 188 7. Linwood Payne 183 8. Johnny Woodruff 172 9. Eddie Snavely 171 10. Bobby Woodruff 171 Men Pins & Release 1. Steve Spencer 192 1st A class 2. Ronnie Rodrique 188 2nd 3. Mark McBride 183 3rd 4. Robby Moore 182 5. Greg Wolford 182 6. Brandon Smith 181 7. Lloyd Overfelt 180 8. Jason Woolwine 179 9. Paul Nester 178 10. Jamie Woolwine 174 11. David Hall 173 1st B class 12. Sam Huff 169 2nd 13. Steve Bowman 169 3rd 14. Harvey Alderman 169 15. Zack Stockner 168 16. Isaac Edwards 168 17. Rick Nester 168 18. Matt Hall 168 19. Travis Dalton 166 20. Danny Bowman 164 21. Donnie Dalton 163 1st C class 22. Kenny Bowman 156 23. Alan Hubbard 151 24. Hix Miller 136 25. Jacob Duggins 133 26. Nick Jones 94 Traditional 1. Gary Covington 134 1st 2. Anthony Meeks 108 3. Mike Woolwine 79 Women Pins & Release 1. Sheree Moore 146 1st 2. Carolyn Woolwine 136 3. Donna Poff 113 Intermediate Freestyle 1. Austin Poff 161 Intermediate Pins & Release 1. James Alderman 180 1st 2. Ethan Edwards 166 3. Brandon Leonard 148 4. Dustin Bowman 135 Cub Pins & Release 1. Daniel Bowman 180 1st 2. B.J. Utt 171 3. Ryan Moore 101 4. Elisabeth Slusher 77 5. Kaitlin Slusher 75 Cub Traditional 1. Cody Meeks 124 PeeWee 1. Austin McBride 111
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