Shady Lane 3D Results
March 17/18, 2007
30 Targets
Top Gun |
Open Money |
Seniors |
Womens Open
Open Trophy |
Unlimited |
Womens Bow Hunter |
Mens Bow Hunter |
Youth |
Cubs |
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Top Gun Score 12's 14's 1. Loren Robbinson 303 7 2 $36.00 2. Jeff Ratliff 298 3 5 3. Donnie Meadows 292 4 0 Open Money 1. Terry Adams 316 11 0 $33.00 2. Johnathan Harrison 305 8 0 $19.80 3. Shawn Hudson 303 9 0 $12.20 4. Jerry Campbell 297 5 0 5. Jamie Corum 294 5 0 6. Cody Bryant 287 4 0 7. Charlie Vipperman 286 6 0 8. Shawn Helton 286 3 1 9. Ron Oakes 284 7 0 10. B. G. Dye 282 4 1 11. Johnathan Eggers 259 8 0 Seniors 1. Sid Lett 292 4 0 $30.00 2. Charlie Thomas 288 5 0 3. Shane Pennington 271 3 0 4. Victor Farthing 246 2 0 5. Alan Blevins Inc. Womens Open 1. Wanda Dye 255 2 1 $6.00 Open Trophy 1. Darrell Helton 303 8 0 1st. Trophy 2. Donnie Henson 293 4 0 2nd. Trophy 3. Joey Daniels 292 2 4 3rd. Trophy 4. Craig Deel 292 1 1 5. Brian Phillips 290 1 0 6. Jerry Gentry 288 3 1 7. Stacy Newton 288 3 1 8. Michael Worley 271 4 0 9. Jarod Costa 267 1 0 10. Terry Phillips 260 1 0 11. Jeff Lewis 256 2 1 12. Alan Lewis 237 2 0 13. Adam Cannon 227 2 0 14. Howard Shuttle Inc. Unlimited 1. J. W. Tester 248 2 0 $30.00 2. Ronnie Henson 244 0 0 3. Kevin Hicenhour 238 2 0 4. John Triplett 233 1 0 5. Josh Bryant 226 1 0 Womens Bow Hunter 1. Becky Shuttle 236 5 0 1st. Trophy 2. Ginger Kestner 229 2 0 3. Tamera Rutter Inc. Traditional 1. Jack Rhudy 254 5 0 $28.80 2. Bill Price 252 0 0 $19.20 3. Gary Nease 241 2 2 4. Jim Fields 240 4 0 5. T. P. Sells 228 2 0 6. Rhonda Nease 202 2 0 7. Ben Harvey 184 4 0 8. Kevin Beavers 144 0 1 Mens Bow Hunter 1. Tim Bradley 295 8 0 1st. Trophy 2. Derek Brown 294 3 1 2nd. Trophy 3. Chris Cannon 279 4 0 3rd. Trophy 4. Russell Ratliff 276 8 0 5. Matt Ludwig 276 2 0 6. Mark Campbell 274 3 1 7. Brandon Thompson 272 4 0 8. Eddie Hall 261 3 0 9. Otis Thompson 258 3 9 10. Lelan Conkklin 249 1 1 11. Steve Williams 245 3 0 12. Andrew Adams 245 2 0 13. Travis Taylor 232 1 0 14. Nick Sweet 228 2 0 15. Chuck Kaczmarek 163 0 9 Youth 1. Johnathan Shuttle 265 3 1 2. Trevor Williams 144 1 0 Cubs 1. Wesley Sweet 263 3 0 2. Mallory Thompson 146 0 0 Thanks to every one that braved the Cold. See You at the Next shoot. Steve
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