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Shady Lane Outdoor 3D Results
August 12/13, 2023
30 Targets


Known 50               Score    12's
1. Austin Almany        324     14      $24.00
2. Frank Farley         294      7
3. Tony Sparks          284     11

Bow Hunter Trophy
1. Jordan Dye           INC
2. Trent Hicks          INC
3. Derick Hicks         INC
4. Brycen Keen          INC
5. Brandon Dye          INC

Known 45
1. Joe Smith            295      5      $16.00
2. Jon Munns            218      1

Known 40 Trophy
1. Graham Roten         320     12
2. Wyatt Rasnake        308      9
3. Kevin Meadows        304      8
4. Mark Thomas          300      7
5. Dyllan Blankenship   287      4
6. Tony Blankenship     285      8
7. TC Blankenship       281      7
8. Brad Thomas          278      7
9. Barry Coleman        267      3
10. Berkley Smith       247      1
11. Curtis Looney       229      2
12. Danny Baker         224      3
13. John Robinson       INC
14. Shawn Robinson      INC

Senior Known 40
1. Basil Riley          304      7      $28.80
2. Chris Baird          304      6      $19.20
3. William Sparks       289      5
4. Greg Meadows         269      8
5. Michael Moody        265      4
6. Wade Bailey          217      1

Senior Unknown
1. Sid Lett             284      5      $16.00
2. Donnie Meadows       268      0

1. Stacy Graybeal       275      4      $43.20
2. Dennis Smith         254      2      $28.80
3. Donnie Dingus        251      4
4. Tony Scott           247      2
5. Gordon Hicks         211      2
6. Tim Chase            211      1
7. Katrina Graybeal     192      1
8. Thad Diltz           185      1
9. Roger Thornburg      176      2

Traditional Trophy
1. Kevin Dingus         194      1

Lady Known 40
1. Pat Lett             285      2      $24.00
2. Makenna McClanahan   277     10
3. Aubrey Smith         269      2

Lady Bow Hunter Trophy
1. Chelsea Adams        261      4

1. Madelyn Mason        274      6

1. Keelan Munns         233      4

1. Dave Swanson
2. Josiah Swanson
3. Jerry Campbell
4. Jason Peak
5. Sandra Riley
6. Ethan Jones
7. Eugene Mason
8. Kenneth Neely
9. Fred Bowling
10. Susan Caudill
11. Mike Caudill
12. Roger Smith
13. Jack Rhudy
14. Calvin Parks
15. Jim Cooper
16. Ken Barger
17. Trevor Morelock

Championship will be held August 26, 2023. Everyone welcome!
Entry Fee $20.00 plus covered dish! Registration begins at
8:00 am to 9:45 am, shotgun start at 10:00am ! Bring a chair
and prepare to eat good and have a good time. There will be
games and shootdown for each class that has at least 3 participants.
There will also be some door prizes!

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