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Shady Lane Outdoor 3D Results
May 6/7, 2023
30 Targets
84 Shooters

Open                   Score   12's
1. Jason Coleman        288     6       $8.00

Known 50
1. Tony Sparks          310    10       $16.00
2. Nathan Winters       304     9

Known 45
1. Tyler Stevens        334    18       $36.60
2. Jamie Thomas         318    12       $22.40
3. Austin Almany        318    12       dropped first
4. Cody Bryant          312    14
5. James Alexander      307     5
6. Kris Stevens         305    10
7. Kevin Meadows        277     2

Known 40
1. Larry Lowe           316    10       1st Trophy
2. Noah Styles          313    13       2nd Trophy
3. Mike Caudill         310     8       3rd Trophy
4. Hunter Hess          301     7
5. Mathew Coleman       297     8
6. Danny Baker          297     6
7. Jacob Lowery         296     4
8. Gary Crouse          288     7
9. Brad Thomas          287     4
10. Dustin Casey        287     1
11. Randy Cassell       282     3
12. Chuck Church        277     4
13. Eli Green           276     4
14. Mark Thomas         276     1
15. Andrew Greer        267     5
16. Jacob Moretz        250     5
17. Brandon Stroupe     211     0
18. Thad Diltz          210     1
19. Curtis Looney       199     1

Senior Known
1. Dan Gibson           312    10       $33.60
2. Moses Whicker        312     9       $22.40
3. Johnathan Harrison   302     9
4. Jeff Crumley         295     7
5. David Cannon         291     4
6. Greg Meadows         275     3
7. Wade Bailey          214     3

Senior Open
1. Kenneth Davis        316    10       $44.00
2. Sid Let              299     6       $26.60
3. Don Pertee           295     6       $17.60
4. Jerry Campbell       287     6
5. Kenneth Neely        281     3
6. Butch Coleman        278     2
7. Darrell Dyson        269     4
8. Donnie Meadows       266     2
9. Robert Fizer         244     4
10. Alan Blevins        Inc
11. Ronnie Leonard      Inc

1. Bobby Parks          254     3       $28.80
2. Jack Rhudy           254     2       $19.20
3. Stacy Graybeal       238     3
4. Donnie Dingus        206     1
5. Katrina Graybeal     168     1
6. Jeremy Johnson       Inc

Lady Known 40
1. Susan Caudill        304     6       $32.00
2. Kristie Cannon       302     5
3. Pat Lett             265     0
4. Melissa Norris       201     0

1. Dalton Coleman       286     2
2. Travis Lowery        270     1
3. Katlin Stroupe       217     1

1. Dylan Alexander      263     2       Medallion
2. Vince Tolbert        Inc

1. Fred Bowling
2. Jason Peek
3. Andy Hunt
4. Dustin Crumley
5. Dave Hunter
6. Ethan Jones
7. Logan Altizer
8. Brandon Tolbert
9. Eugene Mason
10. Madelyn Mason
11. Mike Caudill
12. Susan Caudill
13. Kevin Dingus
14. Donnie Dingus
15. Jack Rhudy
16. Anthony Walden
17. Gavin Leonard
18 Logan Frye
19. Kenneth Neely
20. Robert Fizer
21. Dawn Carrier
22. Chris Willis

Thanks to all that came out to play this
pretty weekend. It was great to see everyone
again. I appreciate all the well wishes.
Thanks to all that came out to set the
tournament up and to help the old man out.

May God Bless

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