Smyth County 3D Results
IBO Qualifier
May 12/13, 2007
30 Targets
Cubs |
Hunter Class |
Female Youth |
Senior Hunter |
Male Bowhunter Release |
Female Bowhunter Release
Bowhunter Open |
Advance Hunter Class |
Female Bowhunter Open |
Men Senior Class |
Pro Release |
Pro Female
Pro Senior |
Traditional |
Recurve Un Aided |
Long Bow |
Female Senior |
Female Hunter Class |
Bowhunter Fingers
Cubs Score 12's 1. Easton Starkey 321 Hunter Class 1. Mark Lineberry 300 2. Teddy Dickerson 299 11x 3. Shawn Cole 299 9x 4. Ricky Hiatt 299 9x 5. Greg Shank 297 6. Travis Belcher 293 7. Derek Alexander 291 8. Jeff Banks 290 9. Nathan Brown 288 8x 10. Doug Burks 288 6x 11. Chris Cannon 287 12. Mark Campbell 285 13. Darrin Starkey 282 14. Brandon Vickers 265 15. Adam Cannon 234 Female Youth 1. Tiffany Dubree 288 2. Alayna Chandley 210 Senior Hunter 1. Rusty Estes 281 Male Bowhunter Release 1. Randy Mahaffey 305 Female Bowhunter Release 1. Christina Mahaffey 265 Bowhunter Open 1. Gary Meadow 295 2. BG Bye 294 3. Jimmy Peake 290 9x 4. Jerry Whittington 290 6x 5. Charlie Vipperman 289 6. Jerry Campbell 285 7. Tony Blevins 284 8. Darrell Dyson 281 9. Adam Patterson 271 10. Mike Chandley 270 11. Rick Patterson 259 12. Jerry Dubree 255 13. Kenneth Bryant 251 14. Terry Patterson 198 Advance Hunter Class 1. James Rices 294 Female Bowhunter Open 1. Aime Whittington 299 2. Wanda Dye 292 Men Senior Class 1. Gene Ross 288 2. Lloyd Moretezy 283 3. Allen Blevins 281 4. Sid Lett 278 5. Roger Roten 274 Pro Releases 1. Donnie Meadows 304 2. Richard Leftwich 302 3. Loren Robinson 294 8x 4. Melvin Shrewbury 294 7x Pro Female 1. Whitney Meadows 283 Pro Senior 1. Steve Vinson 284 2. Charles Thomas 280 Traditional 1. Jim Fields 232 2. Andrew Adams 192 Recurve Un Aided 1. Bill Pearce 194 Long Bow 1. Jack Rhudy 227 2. Gary Nease 161 2. Fred Christian 149 4. Brian Bishop INC Female Senior 1. Pat Lett 253 Female Hunter Class 1. Anna Patterson 194 Bowhunter Fingers 1. VJ Powers 205 6 Fun Shooters Thanks to all who shot the IBO Qualifer! SCAC
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