Staunton River Archery Club Outdoor 3D Result
September 25/26, 2010
20 Targets
Senior |
Limited |
Hunter A |
Hunter B |
Senior Score 1. Leonard Lovins 168 Trophy Limited 1. Tony Oaks 176 Trophy Hunter A 1. Josh Danials 218 Trophy 2. David Simpson 193 Trophy 3. Lee Tucker 188 Trophy 4. Will Rohng 186 5. Jeremy Oaks 180 6. Jay Rigney 176 7. Zack Hancock 172 Hunter B 1. David Hutcherson 182 Trophy 2. Ashley Tuck 174 Trophy 3. Charlie Brumfield 166 Trophy 4. Colton Wyatt 145 5. Josh Hutcherson 142 Ladies 1. Angie Quinn 150 Trophy
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