Sherwood Archers Outdoor 3D Results
July 24/25, 2010
Regular Tournament and Commonwealth Games
25 Targets
Regular Tournament
Hunter |
Open Money |
Open Trophy |
Trad |
Young Adult |
Unlimited |
Ladies |
Commonwealth Games
Senior |
Open |
Bowhunter |
Trad |
Senior Trad
Sherwood's Web-Site
Hunter Score 1. Buzz Lightyear 260 2. Josh Tyree 254 3. Ian Rigney 252 4. Josh Rowan 243 5. Rodney Hubbard 240 6. Stan Mchone 235 7. Bruce Maxey 230 8. Michael Boggs 222 9. Tim Maxey 215 10. Richard Campbell 214 11. Bill McGuire 207 12. Tommy Harrison 202 Open Money 1. Richard Leftwich 258 2. Scott Williams 253 3. Mel Shrewsberry 253 4. Travis Belcher 252 5. Jerry Whittington 249 6. Brandon Reyes 247 7. Steve Bennett 247 8. Scherrile Riley 240 9. James Epperly 239 Open Trophy 1. Kip Good 250 2. Randy Briggs 248 3. J.T. Hurt 243 4. Chris Pendleton 240 5. Josh Damiano 240 6. Billy Hicks 237 7. Jeno Jackson 233 Senior 1. Albert Furrow 249 2. Roger Goff 246 3. John Lewis 233 4. Lenard Lovin 223 5. Fred Switzer 166 Trad 1. Dwayne Martin 211 2. Alan Chad 184 3. Tony Maxey 180 4. Steve Price 147 Young Adult 1. Hunter Jacobs 222 Unlimited 1. Bob Williams 218 Ladies 1. Sarah Martin 200 Cub 1. Ryan Price 150 Commonwealth Games Senior 1. Roger Goff 246 2. John Mason 220 Open 1. Dane Hanger 257 2. Kurtis Russell 255 3. Matt Hall 249 Bowhunter 1. Buzz Lightyear 260 2. Mike Hodges 247 Trad 1. Steve Price 147 Senior Trad 1. Jim Clippard 142
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