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Triangle Bow Hunters Outdoor 3D Results
May 20/21, 2023
36 Shooters

K-50                   Score
1. Frankie Farley       256     $35.00
2. Frankie Farley       254
3. Mike Shupe           247
4. Bobby Kenley         246
5. MiKe Shupe           236

SR K-45
1. Mark White           196     $14.00
2. Gary Blackwell       194

1. Luke Bussel          272     $34.00
2. Travis McPherson     262     $15.00
3. Barry Coleman        251     $ 7.00
4. Robert Underwood     249
5. Jody Ferguson        244
6. Alan Tabor           238
7. Chris Maybry         205
8. L J Hensel           INC

K-40 Trophy
1. Jason Harris         278

Eagle Pins
1. Sawyer Ferguson      236
2. Alex Moore           211

Fun Shooters
Chris Moore
Mike Romer
Kris Hale
Daniel Rodrigues
Elliott Mills
Darryl Payn
David McBride
Sophie Stafford
Jackson Stafford
Robert Spicer
Justin Onusko
Brian Lytton
Breanna Lytton
Wes Tolbert
Shea Tolbert
Brandon Tolbert
Mike Bryant
Justin Bryant
Bud Mack

Thanks to all who came out and shot with us
and hope to see you and other back in July.

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